Design healthy resilient neighborhoods that have the tools to protect residents from a multitude of climate hazards, especially frontline communities that are the most vulnerable to risk. Make sure these places are spaces that reflect the physical and mental needs of residents, creating opportunities for growth and community solidarity.
Transform our system beyond extractive practices to one that prioritizes a healthy environmental, high quality jobs, and a green economy, without leaving anyone behind.
Ensure everyone has access to housing in a way that takes into consideration the systematic disenfranchisement of frontline communities and addresses the root causes of the housing crisis.
Create equitable processes for executing climate resilience policies, where justice is central to the policy design and implementation.
Provide for the current and long-range water needs of the community and for the protection of the quality and quantity of surface and groundwater resources.
Harness the Power of Nature: Proactively pursue nature-based and science-based planning, implementation, adaptation, and mitigation strategies for sea level rise, groundwater rise, and land subsidence.
Develop a range of adaptation strategies that reflect “protect”, “accommodate”, and “avoid” approaches to sea level rise adaptation.
Maintain partnerships and incorporate complimentary programs with regional jurisdictions, tribal governments, and property owners to incentivize coordinated risk reduction, enhance compliance and enforcement with existing policies.
Update land-use policies and regulations to increase wildfire resilience, including updating and strengthening WUI land use and building codes.
Accelerate greenbelts as nature-based solutions to wildfire resilience and risk reduction.