Category: Uncategorized

carbon sequestration

Carbon sequestration: 

overlay zones

Overlay Zones: An overlay zone is a zoning district that is applied over one or more previously established zoning districts, establishing additional

working lands

Working lands: lands used for farming, grazing, or the production of forests. (Law Insider)


Watershed: The specific land area that drains to a lake, river, or stream

urban growth boundary

Urban Growth Boundary: defines where development should and should not happen. The line circumscribes an entire urbanized area and is used by local go

transportation demand management

Transportation Demand Management (TDM): a program of information, encouragement, and incentives provided by local or regional organizations to help pe

Traditional Ecological Knowledge

Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK): refers to the evolving knowledge acquired by indigenous and local peoples over hundreds or thousands of years


Topography: Refers to the arrangement of the natural and artificial physical features of an area such as the steepness and surface shapes of the land.


Subsidence: A gradual settling or sudden sinking of the Earth's surface due to removal or displacement of subsurface earth materials. (United States G

riverine flooding

Riverine flooding: When the volume of water in a waterway (creeks, rivers, or constructed channels) exceeds the waterway's capacity, it will overflow